Day - 5

11.18 하루 3줄 영작

Recently, I had too much stress of unemployment crisis. So I went to Busan to see ocean with my friends for change of surroundings. We went to TeaJongDae and IGiDae coastal walk. It was very hard due to unpaved road. But we reached the ocean It was very beautiful place.

11.19 하루 3줄 영작.

I and my friends went to restaurant where They cook 돼지국밥 with one of the most famous foods in Busan. There were many people Because That was famous restaurant in Social Media. So, We were waited to get a seat for 30 min. Food was served very quickly And The 돼지국밥 was light. After long wait, we ate delicious food for 10min even though we waited for 30min. We were satisfied with the food And We left for 해운대.

11.20 하루 3줄 영작.

I started studying a new programming language “React” today to decorate the website well. I am aiming at new service development such as facebook, instagram. So, The appearance of these things developed easily with React. This “React” was made by facebook to provide developer use free of charge. Because many people use technology capture a market in s/w development. I am gonna study continuously If I won’t get left behind.

Are you ~? : 너 (지금) ~하니?

한국어 영어
진심이야? Are you serious?
정말이야? Are you sure?
긴장되니? Are you nervous?
내일 바빠? Are you busy tomorrow?
나한테 화난거야? Are you mad at me or something?

Are you free / ready to ~? : 너 ~가능해 / ~할 준비 됐어?

한국어 영어
지금 통화 가능해? Are you free to talk right now?
떠날 준비 된 거야? Are you ready to leave?
주문할 준비 되셨어요? Are you ready to order?
이제 네 사업을 시작할 준비가 된 거야? Are you ready to start your business now?
영화 볼 시간 돼? Are you free to see movie?
너 다른 사람을 만나도 되는 거니? Are you free to meet other person?

Are you -ing? : 너 지금 ~ 하고 있는거니? (동작)

한국어 영어
너 그 애 모르게 바람피우는거야? Are you cheating he is unknown?
너 지금 나 놀리는 거지? Are you kidding me?
너 지금도 은행에서 일하고 있어? Are you working in bank now?
너 그만둘 생각인거야? Are you thinking stop?
영어를 전공하세요? Are you taking English?

W5H1(What, Where, When, Why, Who, How) are you -ing? : 무엇을 / 어디서 / 언제 / 왜 / 누구와 / 어떻게 + ~하는거야?

한국어 영어
무슨 소리 하는거야? What are you talking about?
여기서 뭐해? (네가 여긴 왠일이야?) What are you doing here?
무슨 생각 하고 있어? What are you thinking?
뭘 찾고 있어? What are you finding?
나한테 왜 이러는거야? Why are you doing to me?
이렇게 밤늦게 어디가? Where are you going late at night?

Daily Conversation

뭔가 열심히 찾고 있는 친구에게

A : 뭘 찾고 있어? (What are you finding?)

B : I can’t find my silver necklace. I think I lost it.

A : 잃어버린 거 확실해? (Are you sure you lost it?) It’s your favorite!

B : I know! I’m so upset. Will you help me find it?

데이트 도중 딴생각을 하는 애인에게

A : Hey, 무슨 생각 하는거야? (What are you thinking?)

B : Nothing.

A : 나한테 화난거야? (Are you mad at me or something?)

B: No, I’m not. Why would I be mad?

A : I don’t know. You’ve been looking at the menu for 10 minutes.

B : On, I’m sorry. I was thinking about something else. 주문할래? (Are you order?)

Today’s word ( order - ordered - orderd )

한국어 영어
이거 제가 시킨 것이 아니에요. I didn’t order this
인터넷으로 컴퓨터를 주문했다. I ordered computer with Internet
(네가 내 상전이니?) 그만 좀 부려먹어! Don’t order me!
그거 고장 났어. It didn’t ordered.
이것들 정리 좀 해! Do order thess!

[in case] ~할 경우를 대비해서

  1. [in case]는 앞으로 벌어질 수도 있는 일을 ‘미리 대비’하라고 표현하는 무기입니다. [in case] 뒤에는 평서문이 옵니다.
    • Wear Uggs in case it gets cold.
    • Take this banana in case you get hungry.
  2. [in case 평서문]은 아직 벌어지지 않은 내용을 담고 있지만, 여전히 현재성을 씁니다.
    • Take this umbrella in case it snows.

[instead of] ~ 대신 / ~하는 것 대신

  1. [instead of]는 ‘대안’을 제시할 때 쓰는 무기입니다. [instead of] 뒤에는 [명사] 혹은 [~ing]가 따라옵니다.
    • Try this Americano instead of the latte.
    • I ate 짬뽕 instead of 자장면
    • Walk fast instead of running.

[for] ~에 대해 / ~한 것에 대해

  1. [for] 뒤에는 [명사] 혹은 [~ing]가 따라옵니다. [명사]가 올 경우 ‘~에 대해’, [~ing]가 올 경우 ‘~한 것에 대해’/ ‘~해’로 해석합니다.

    • Thank you for coming.
    • They blamed me for ruining the party.
    • Thank you for your supprot.
  2. ‘~하지 않은 것에 대해’라고 표현할 땐, [for not ~ing]를 사용.

    • Thanks for not bothering me.
